I know many people have had questions on doing the Daniel Fast while pregnant or nursing.
The only advice I can give you is from my own personal experience. Yes, while pregnant or nursing we are suppose to consume some extra calories to help our child but the Daniel Fast is still a possibility even with that consideration.
It is on you if you just choose to eliminate a particular food like soda pop or skip a meal but I would rather you eliminate a food then skip a meal. Please consult with a doctor before you decide to go on this so you can discuss the matter with them but ultimately is us between you and God what you do.
I chose to have only fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans/leguems and just water. I found that I ate so much better during this fast then I ever did with any of my pregnancies. You can get the calories in if you eat enough though I found that my appetite kept decreasing so I had to get calories from healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, beans, nuts, peanut butter, etc.
I know some say that you need omega 3's and such but you can still take a multi vitamin, use ground flaxseed meal and that will help as well. Just do some research and you will see that you can do this!
Since my son is nursing I wasn't sure how he would take such a change in my diet but he did very well. My milk supply even increased even though I was eating less then before. I am thinking that might be because of the quality of food I was eating versus the quantity.
Since doing the Daniel Fast, I have been late posting all the food for each day, since I have stopped the Daniel's Fast my milk supply has gone down in just a week, my son doesn't like the change, my skin is breaking out. My whole body is rebelling going off the Daniel Fast.
So I am going to start doing a modified version of the Daniel Fast but this would be more like a modified Daniel Diet since I will not be doing this part for spiritual purposes like I was doing in January. I will still eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans/legumes and will be adding dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, I will also be adding proteins such as chicken, fish, etc.
My body did so well on the Daniel Fast and now since I have stopped I have never felt more tired and drained.
So try the Daniel Fast if you feel this is what the Lord is leading you to do and know that it can still work while pregnant and/or nursing. Eating this healthy will not only benefit you but it will also benfit your child. I truly believe that it is our fast food mentality that gets us in trouble. Oh let me just pull this thing out of the freezer and heat it up or let's go through a drive through, etc. The preservatives in the food and who knows what else is put into food doesn't do good things for our bodies. Can you pronounce half the ingredients that are in some items that are like 20-30 letters long? You can eat healthy food and it can be done is a reasonable amount of time.
Trust me, I am a mom of three little ones, a 3 year old boy, 2 year old girl and a 7 month old son. This is doable. YOU CAN DO THIS!
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